请确保Javascript已启用 网站的可访问性 毕业论文提交|美国火博体育-火博体育





1. Make sure your thesis is in pristine condition and that it follows the format requirements outlined in the UWF论文和论文指南.
2. 确保你的委员会主席已经发起了 完成论文表格.
3. 将论文认证页作为文件的第二页.
4. 将论文保存为PDF文件.

1. Email the 论文/论文协调员, 玛丽·安·斯科特, at mscott@mitsumemo.com,并请求一个身份验证帐户. Do 你可以自己建立账户. That will delay the process and subject you to private account fees. 你应该会收到一封确认邮件. 按照说明完成您的帐户.
2. 将您的文档上传到身份验证.
3. 与论文/论文协调员分享您的报告.

You will submit your thesis to the 研究生院 through ProQuest on the ProQuest ETD管理员网站. 您将收到一封验证电子邮件 必须 在继续之前,请点击链接以验证您的电子邮件.


  • 你的手稿的PDF格式
  • 您的UWF学生证号码
  • Subject categories you would select for your research (You are allowed a maximum of 3 and will choose from a list provided)
  • Keywords that would lead researchers to your manuscript (You are allowed a maximum of 6)

You will also be asked if you want ProQuest to file for copyright on your behalf and whether you want to purchase bound copies of your manuscript. 如果需要的话,随身携带一张信用卡.

For more tips on creating your PDF for ProQuest, check out the article 准备你的手稿.

The pre-defense option allows you to get a quick read and heads-up on documentation and/or format issues that might prevent the thesis from being approved by the 研究生院 and better prepares you to defend your thesis in your department. It is 不 a guarantee of approval for the designated semester, 但这种可能性更大.

  1. Submit your document for a pre-defense review by or before week 9 of the semester.
  2. 如果您没有提交 论文声明 form yet, make sure you do as soon as you have your committee information.
  3. Make sure you have completed the necessary tutorials and quizzes in the 论文 Student Guide to Submission course in Canvas. You 必须 earn at least 90% on your documentation quiz, and you can take it multiple times. 如果你还没有被添加到课程中,请联系论文 & 论文协调员.
  4. 请求一个身份验证帐户 论文 & 论文协调员 和他们分享你的相似度报告.
  5. 你的论文应该可以发表(free from plagiarism and major documentation and format errors and of reasonable writing quality). 遵循当前发布的指南 UWF论文 & 论文指导.
  6. 将文档保存为 .PDF.
  7. 通过电子邮件将论文提交到 论文 & 论文协调员:
    • 在主题栏中输入“预防御评论”.
    • Request a pre-defense review and give the anticipated date of your defense. 辩方必须在复审请求后至少三周内提出.
    • 提供您正在使用的文档样式(APA, SHA, MLA等).).
  8. 研究生院 will review your thesis for documentation and format issues only. 这不是细读, but it will provide essential information that can expedite your final approval. When the 研究生院 is satisfied that you are ready to defend, the 论文 & 论文协调员 will sign the 论文声明 form and 不ify the you that you are cleared to defend your thesis.
  9. This process allows you more time to submit your final document after your defense. 如果你被允许辩护的话, you will have until week 13 to submit your final thesis (through etdadmin.com/ProQuest). *Please 不e that this does 不 guarantee your thesis will be approved for that semester, 但这种可能性更大.

如果你选择放弃答辩前陈述, you have until week 10 in the semester to submit your final thesis document to the 研究生院 for final approval.

  1. Make sure you complete the tutorials in the 论文 Student Guide to Submissions course in Canvas.
  2. 请求一个身份验证帐户 论文 & 论文协调员 和他们分享你的相似度报告.
  3. 将文档保存为 .PDF. 确保它处于原始状态(free from plagiarism and major documentation and format errors and of reasonable writing quality). 遵循当前的指导方针 UWF论文和论文指南.
  4. 通过以下方式提交文件 etdadmin.com (它).
  5. **创意写作学生: 以保留版权和未来的出版选择, choose “embargo” for publication to delay the publication of your thesis indefinitely.
  6. 研究生院 will review the thesis and upon completion of the review, will 不ify the student and thesis advisor of either approval or 不es for final revisions and resubmission. 研究生院 can不 guarantee that a document that requires significant revision will be approved for the semester in which it is submitted.


Candidates who wish to participate in graduation at the end of the respective semester 必须 upload their polished document to ProQuest and submit their defense verification or Completion of 论文—Grade Change form by the 研究生院 截止日期如下.

Candidates who submit their materials after the deadline will automatically be assigned to the next semester/session for review and the candidate should register for the next semester/session thesis credit hour.

最终出版, candidates 必须 make any final revisions to their manuscript and re-submit the polished copy of their thesis to ProQuest by the 最后提交 截止日期如下.

提示: Submission of the thesis to the 研究生院 is the final step towards completing your degree. Your document should be in pristine condition and formatted according to UWF guidelines when submitted for approval. 提交的文件有明显的写作错误, 文件不充分或不正确, or significant formatting issues may be returned for further revisions before the 研究生院 can approve them. 如果文件被退回进行大量/实质性修订, it may delay the final approval and subsequent date of degree conferral.

论文与机器人博士.D. 论文的最后期限
学期 Pre-Defense期限 传统的最后期限
2024年春季 2024年3月6日(2024年4月3日提交最终答辩) 2024年3月13日
2024年夏天 2024年6月19日(最终答辩提交截止日期为2024年7月24日) 2024年7月8日
2024年秋季 2024年10月16日(2024年4月3日提交最终答辩) 2024年10月23日
2025年春季 2025年3月5日(最终答辩后提交截止日期为2025年4月2日) 2025年3月12日


A grade of "G" (Deferred) will be given for each thesis course taken in which the student is making sufficient progress toward completing their thesis. Once the final thesis has been approved by the 研究生院 and submitted to ProQuest, the grade for those thesis courses will be changed to "S" (Satisfactory). A "G" grade may remain indefinitely if for any reason the student does 不 complete the thesis. A grade of "U" (Unsatisfactory) may be given to one or multiple thesis courses if the student fails to make sufficient progress toward completing the thesis, 由学生的论文主席决定.